Standard Mail Settings

Mail Server Info:

Login: Is your full email address (

Incoming mail server: -- being your real domain

Outgoing mail server: -- being your real domain

Mailbox Type to use:

IMAP: best used when multiple devices are checking the mail server -- such as a computer and a smartphone or computer and webmail.  Or when you want mail to be stored on the server.  sent mail, drafts, etc are synced among the devices.  Mail is stored on the server and as such will use disk space and quotas can be hit if not monitored.

POP3: can be used when only one device will check the mailbox and mail is usually only stored on the computer .

Mail server ports:

The following are standard ports used on our services for mail services.  The ports that are bold are the recommended ones to use
  • POP3: 110 (Standard Port)
  • POP3 With SSL: 995
  • IMAP: 143 (Standard Port)
  • IMAP With SSL: 993
  • SMTP: 25 (Standard Port)
  • SMTP With Authentication: 587 -- can be used by those ISPs that block port 25.
  • SMTP With SSL: 465 -- can be used by those ISPs that block port 25.

NOTE: SSL options should be used when possible to protect mailbox logins.  If you use as the incoming/outgoing server, you may see an error and that can be accepted and ignored as it just complains about a mismatching of your domain and our server's address on the SSL.  You can use the real mail server's address, however, this may change (with notice) and so using will always be correct.

To Find Real Mail Server Address:
  1. Open a command prompt (Start -> run -> cmd for windows or Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal on Mac OS X or Terminal on Linux)
  2. Type in the command prompt:  nslookup
    • (Where is your real domain name)
  3. Under the "Non-authoritative answer" section, the "Name" result should be the real server name. 

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