Register or transfer a domain with us

The first step to your Internet / web site is to register a domain with the Internet.  Registering a domain makes sure that no one else can use your domain for their site.  It also tells computers on the internet where services for the domain are located at .

You can also change your domain's registrar, which is called transferring your domain's registration.

To register or transfer a domain to us, please do the following:

  1. Go to Services -> Domains on our site to check the availability of the domain

  2. Put in the domain that you want to register or transfer and click “Check availability” to register a doamin or “Transfer” to transfer a domain.

  3. Fill out the order information or if you already have an account with us, choose Login as existing customer to have information filled for you.

  4. Complete the order and payment process.

  5. If you are an existing customer, the domain will register automatically and you'll be all set.

  6. If you are a new customer, we will verify the order and process it as quickly as possible.

  7. You will receive email notifications when the domain has been registered.

If you are a customer already, you can register or transfer domains via your client area:

  1. Login to your client area at

  2. Go to Domains → Register a New domain or Transfer a Domain

  3. Type in the domain that you want to register or transfer

  4. Complete the order and payment process, including how many years you want to register for

  5. Once the order is submitted successfully, the domain will automatically register or start transferring.

If you have hosting with us also, the new domain will need to be added to the hosting account.

  1. Hsphere

    1. Login to the hsphere control panel by going to Services -> My services -> View details for your hosting acount and click "Login to the control panel"

    2. Go to Domain Settings → Add new domain

    3. Type in the new domain in the “Host existing site” form

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