SMTP Authentication via Scripts

Using SMTP authentication for your scripts, like you would with a mail client, is important for proper mail delivery as anti-spam filters will score mail sent via a script differently then via a mail server that you have to login in to.  As such, using SMTP authentication is recommended and some servers require it.   Below you'll find some examples for various popular scripts on how to use SMTP authentication with a script. 

Custom PHP

Using a SMTP authentication class, such as PHPmailer, is recommended. There is an example of this at



Using a plugin, such as WP Mail SMTP - . Install the plugin as normal and go to the Settings → WP Mail SMTP or other plugin that you may use.

Settings for WP Mail SMTP:

  • From Email: the email that you want the email to be seen as sent from – it should be on the same domain as the user you'll be using

  • From Name: this will be what is shown as the name that sent the email and can be anything you want

  • Mailer: Send all Wordpress emails via SMTP

  • SMTP Host: – where is your domain name or where is our actual server name that you can get from us

  • SMTP Port: 465

  • Encryption: Use SSL encryption

  • Authentication: Use SMTP Authentication

  • Username: a mailbox that is setup in the control panel – we recommend using a specific mailbox for this purpose such as .

  • Password: the password that is used for that mailbox


Joomla has built-in SMTP authentication functions and you would set them up under Site → Global Configuration → Server → Mail settings

Settings for Joomla:

  • Mailer: SMTP

  • From Email: the email that you want the email to be seen as sent from – it should be on the same domain as the user you'll be using

  • From Name: this will be what is shown as the name that sent the email and can be anything you want

  • Sendmail Path: can be ignored / left as default value

  • SMTP Authentication: Yes

  • SMTP Security: SSL

  • SMTP Port: 465

  • SMTP Username: a mailbox that is setup in the control panel – we recommend using a specific mailbox for this purpose such as .

  • SMTP Password: the password that is used for that mailbox

  • SMTP Host: – where is your domain name or where is our actual server name that you can get from us


Download the SMTP authentication module - .


  1. Download module

  2. Expand the archive that you downloaded

  3. Upload the smtp folder to your drupal install at sites/all/modules

  4. Login to Drupal admin and go to Modules and enable SMTP Authentication Support .

Drupal SMTP Authentication Module Settings:

  • SMTP Server: – where is your domain name or where is our actual server name that you can get from us

  • SMTP backup server: leave blank

  • SMTP Port: 465

  • Use Encrypted Protocol: Yes / SSL

  • Username: a mailbox that is setup in the control panel – we recommend using a specific mailbox for this purpose such as .

  • Password: the password that is used for that mailbox

The above is most popular scripts on our systems. If you think a script should be added to the above, please let us know and we will add them. Most other scripts will have SMTP information in their documents.

For general Information, scripts should use the following SMTP authentication info:

  • From Email: the email that you want the email to be seen as sent from – it should be on the same domain as the user you'll be using

  • From Name: this will be what is shown as the name that sent the email and can be anything you want

  • SMTP Host / server: – where is your domain name or where is our actual server name that you can get from us

  • SMTP Port: 465

  • Encryption: Use SSL encryption

  • Authentication: Use SMTP Authentication

  • Username: a mailbox that is setup in the control panel – we recommend using a specific mailbox for this purpose such as .

  • Password: the password that is used for that mailbox

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