Add email account to Microsoft Mail

To add an email account to Microsoft Mail, do the following:

  1. In Mail, click "Accounts" -- if not shown on the left click the 3 lined menu button at the top
  2. Under Manage Accounts, click "Add Account"
  3. Click "Other Account" - POP3 or IMAP
  4. Fill out the email address you are setting up in the email address field
  5. Fill out your name
  6. And put in the password
  7. Click next and Mail should add the account and be ready to get mail
  8. If Mail does not find the server configuration after you click "Next"
    1. Go back to the listing of mail services
    2. On the Mail services list, click "Advanced Setup"
    3. Pick "Internet Email"
    4. Enter the address your setting up
    5. Enter your name
    6. Enter the password for the mail box
    7. Enter the mail server address found on your mail services either in the client area or the control panel page in to:
      1. Incoming server address
      2. Outgoing server address
    8. Pick the account type of IMAP or POP3
      1. IMAP stores all mail on the server and is best used with multiple mail clients at the same time
      2. POP3 downloads mail and deletes it from the mail server -- as such it is best with one mail client at a time or setting all mail clients to not delete from the mail server
    9. Click sign-in and Mail should then add the account and be ready for mail
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