We are excited to announce the availablity of a web based news feed reader for our clients to include in their web browsing toolkit.  This news reader is powered by Tiny Tiny RSS, which is a RSS/Atom reader and aggregator.  RSS is used on many news sites, blogs, article sites, and even our own site for announcements and maintenance.  For those that have used Google Reader, this is very similar to that now-decommissioned service from Google.  RSS allows you to see posts on your sites that you visit most often in a central location.  You will no longer have to visit each site separately. 

Head on over to https://reader.u2-web.com/ and login with your client area login to get started.  Check out the knowledgebase for the basics.  https://u2-web.com/knowledgebase/13/Tiny-Tiny-RSS-RSS-reader

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

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