Server modules, addons, and Hooks

Your coding needs delivered

WHMCS Staff Knowledgebase

A staff only knowledgebase that is separate from your public knowledbase to avoid data leakage. Uses the standard WHMCS text editor. We use this module ourselves and as such will keep it updated.

Support and Updates

Access to download the module, updates, and support for the first year is included. After that point, to be able to download the module (any version) or receive support, you require an active support and updates package. After that renewal, you can then download and receive support for until your next renewal. Repeat, rinse, loop back.

This module has the same database structure of another module with the same name but by a different company. As such, this module can read the articles and categories of that other module.
Requires WHMCS 7.6 -- may work with 7.0 and later but was developed with 7.6 and later in mind.
Note - As a software item, once downloaded there are no refunds for this module.
NOTE 2 - All orders are manually processed. Please be patient while the chipmunks review the order.

WHMCS Cart Product Input Options

Add descriptions to product / service config options within the WHMCS cart for a clear description of what a configurable option is. Hide specific inputs. like the billing cycle field, on all products or for a specific product .

Assignable Auto Release

In WHMCS, you have "servers" that are typically used to hold server login details in order to perform remote functions on that server. However, you can also use this grouping feature to keep track of other stock controlled items such as server cabinets or services not requiring an remote functions but that you need to have grouping of.
WHMCS has an "Auto Release" feature module that creates tickets or to do items for different types of service events. However, WHMCS does not support assigning a service to a server while using the Auto Release module in the product.
This server module brings in the auto release features of creating support tickets and to do items on service related events while also allowing you to assign services to a server that is using this module.

First year of support and updates included. After that point, a support and updates package is required for access to download the module and access support. You are able to continue to use the module without an active support and updates package.